Autor Thema: Voting of the 10th season of Maniac Mansion Mania - Deadline August the 1th  (Gelesen 3921 mal)


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Did you know, that you can vote your favourite episodes for an Edgar?
Like the name already says, an Edgar is an equivalent to an oscar but for MMM episodes.

Are you interested to take part to vote?

The Italian fan-made episodes Maniac Apartment and Britneys Escape get the chance to win an Edgar. The best episode receives a golden Edgar, the second best a silver Edgar and three further episodes will get an bronzen Edgar.

How does it work?:
Please post your favorite Season 10 episode
and 4 more episodes you'd like to nominate.


- Episode makers do not vote for their own episodes.
- Only registered users may vote.

There will also be this voting in the Adventure Treff Forum,
- Users who are registered in both forums are only allowed to rate in one forum.

The ratings should be in this form (important for easy counting is the episode number):

First place: Epi xx
further nominations:
Epi xx
Epi xx
Epi xx
Epi xx

(please replace the xx with the respective episode number)

Post your voting right here:
« Letzte Änderung: 14. Juli 2020, 17:54:43 von Bòógieman »