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International Board / Re: I'll translate from English into French
« am: 29. Februar 2012, 17:45:26 »
Well actually, in French, an "auroch" is the prehistoric ancestor to the cow. So... yep.

International Board / Re: I'll translate from English into French
« am: 26. Februar 2012, 17:02:16 »
is "MMM" or 'MMM' also allowed in French instead of « MMM » ?
Yes it is.
Most people every day use " ", because that's readily available on a keyboard. The French quotations marks, as they're called (i.e « ») are found in almost all book and anything that gets published, like video games, film subtitles, etc.
It is a convention, and personally I prefer these (« »), but the inverted commas " " or ' ' would work as well.

International Board / Re: I'll translate from English into French
« am: 18. Februar 2012, 15:26:24 »
Doesn't exist a French DOTT version there?

Indeed, it does:
I played that version, and the buttons are good, although I myself replaced "parler"with "discuter", so it can work with common names, like the inventory items.

So, who's next to have their game translated ? I promise it won't take me two years this time. Unless your game is really, really long !

Edit : another thing, the introductory text of the English homepage is not exactly perfect. Here's something that I think sounds better, more natural and more engaging :

Hello and welcome to Maniac Mansion Mania!

Maniac Mansion Mania, is a fan-made adventure series which is all about reliving the glory of the original Maniac Mansion and extending it further into a rich, thrilling world. The whole series is delivered in the form of episodes so that each developer can create their own story in the extended universe of Maniac Mansion.

Taking an active part in the life of Maniac Mansion Mania is easy ! Everybody can create their own episode.

I'd need help with this final bit here, though, because I really don't get what is meant by that ('aurochs' ?!) :

The basic scaffolding for the construction of an Adventure aurochs with a Lucas style SCUMM interface is, provided just like all figures, places, pieces of music and Sounds of the complete series till now.

I haven't tested the starterpack, so I don't really know what it is like. Can you give me some details ? Just enough so I can describe it quickly in the introductory text.

International Board / Re: I'll translate from English into French
« am: 18. Februar 2012, 01:37:29 »
There you go. I put the intro at the very beginning, as you'll see.

Would you have the original German/English file ? I stupidly did not make a backup of the original, and your link to it has expired.
The .rar is password-protected. I'll PM you the password.

Edit : also, would it be possible to have custom buttons (you know, "talk to" "pull" "push", etc.) made in French ? The French words are longer, so it could be tricky, but that would definitely ass something to the game.
What's more, I updated the readme file, translating what was in it in French. I'll attach it as well.

International Board / Re: Italian translation
« am: 31. Januar 2012, 20:29:53 »
That's a long, long one, mate !
I'm still working on it, by the way.

International Board / Re: I'll translate from English into French
« am: 09. Januar 2012, 23:02:25 »
It's been almost two years, but I am back.
Glad to see that people are still making episodes, and the website looks great !

Now I said I would translate episode 53, and I will ! I have started picking up where I left, but I still have a ways to go. So it's not going to be ready straight away, but I'm working on it.

International Board / Re: I'll translate from English into French
« am: 30. April 2010, 00:16:23 »
I rock ! 8)

Just to be picky, why is there no French flag for that episode in the episodes list ?

International Board / Re: I'll translate from English into French
« am: 23. April 2010, 15:52:31 »
Oops, episode 9, yes. ;D
I've got the file for episode 53, so I'll be busy with that for some time, I won't accept any other translation for the time being, until I am finished with ep. 53.

International Board / I'll translate from English into French
« am: 23. April 2010, 03:12:23 »
Hello everybody,
I already translated episode 19, and I am willing to translate every other English translation in French.
So Rocco, or someone else, send me the files, I'll get to it soon !

Seiten: [1]