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Nachrichten - CyberTentacle

Seiten: [1]
International Board / Re: ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« am: 07. April 2024, 14:28:36 »
I was about to link the commit and add an explanation but you were faster :D
Just a note: the fix is currently in ScummVM but not in the upstream AGS implementation, so if you use the interpreter downloaded from the ags website (or github) you'll still have the bug

International Board / ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« am: 05. April 2024, 15:05:12 »
Hi all!
Maybe it's already known, but I'd like to point out that the wiki page related to ScummVM is quite outdated.
Since version 2.8.0 the fonts should match the AGS implementation, so there are no more problems with squashed characters or broken outlines.

Additionally, daily development builds include a fix for the stairs bug in Bernard's house  ;D

Seiten: [1]