Maniac Mansion Mania Forum
MMM-International => International Board => Thema gestartet von: scynical am 21. Februar 2008, 09:13:22
I just knew that MMM is exist. so I want to play almost every of whole series,
but in Korea(I'm in South Korea) there's no way to find MMM. It's really hard to
get episode 1, 2, 4, 8, 9. but some of them are still no english version (or I couldn't find).
Is anyone can help me?
In fact I'm Korean so even my English is not perfect.
The big problem is, that MMM is a german project (I am Austrian - Mozart-Freud-Schwarzenegger),
but there do some episodes exist in english; due momentarely the mainpage is down for maintaince a couple of days.
If you have some friends who speak a relative good english, german or spanish,
maybe the autor of those episodes can help you to translate (I mean the humor),
and make the MMM-project popular in (South)Korea so you and your friends can
enjoy the episodes fully.
We've been trying to make MMM as much international as possible, but the
bigest problem is still that there are to few translators; special the nativ ones.
I think the episodes in English are 1, 2, 9, 15, 33 and 40. And I think 53 is going to follow soon.
But as Iason mentioned the page currently down.
I am Austrian - Mozart-Freud-Schwarzenegger
Hmm, I could have sworn they were Swiss :-\
Thank you everybody. I'll looking for those episodes...
In korea, there's a korean version of Maniac Mansion. It's original IBM version of that game....
Here are all games which are translated in English:
Episode 1,2,8,9,15,33,40,61 and 53 will follow in the next weeks.
We should translate more games.
we are online again,
all translated episodes ->
We should translate more games.
What a brilliant idea, did you came up on this all by yourselfe?
I would gladly translate games from german to english,
but I doubt my skills are good enough, especial to compare
with nativ speakers who actually will play this episodes.
So, are youre skills good enough to do translations?
Maybe I can translate one of youre games to make it better *joke*
However, PM me.
PM not PMS - Post Menstrual Syndrome...
we are online again,
all translated episodes ->
I think there's something wrong... almost every episode that I tried to download couldn't work.
all I can see "Fobidden : you don't have no permission" ;_;
Welll, It works for me... ???
we are online again,
all translated episodes ->
I think there's something wrong... almost every episode that I tried to download couldn't work.
all I can see "Fobidden : you don't have no permission" ;_;
i cant find a mistake...
the first three entrys on this page dont work, cause they arent linked now,
but everybody should be able to download the episodes.
please can you try it once more, and tell me if it works or not.
thx. :)
or maybe you are behind a company/school/etc. firewall which blocks your downloads :-\
I am Austrian - Mozart-Freud-Schwarzenegger
Hmm, I could have sworn they were Swiss :-\
I would have mentiond Johann Hansi Hölzel aka Falco (,
but I guess I better of with DJ.Bobo
I've put them in a zip and uploaded it to
Iason: Cut the OT crap.
I've put them in a zip and uploaded it to
Iason: Cut the OT crap.
whoa, Thank you!!
I think my internet server had a problem. some other country's files cannot be downloaded...
You're welcome :)
(I assume you were able to download my file, right?)
I think the episodes in English are 1, 2, 9, 15, 33 and 40. And I think 53 is going to follow soon.
But as Iason mentioned the page currently down.
I am Austrian - Mozart-Freud-Schwarzenegger
Hmm, I could have sworn they were Swiss :-\
Also there are translated into Spanish episodes 9, 40 and 61 (at least this one has finished translation).
Alas, there is episode 40 in French.
Here publicly I beg sorry to KhrisMUC for the delay :( (because I started with the translation project last September), now the Spanish translation for Epi61 is done since last month.
I could quickly send a PM with the translation.
Just send the PM to KhrisMUC.
Hey guys,
I'd gladly collaborate with the creators to translate some episodes to English. I speak NO German, but if I were sent the text packs and translated it roughly to English, I could then tidy it up so that it is grammatically correct and the jokes make sense. If anyone is interested please message me.
you got a private message 8) ;D