I been looking at the Global Script in the Mad house starter
How do i use the functions Hunter, Timer,
Can some so tell me how they work and how ton use them
//On Timer:
// ============================= Timer ===========================================
#define OWNTIMERBASE 400
int amountoftimers = 0;
function SetOwnTimer (int timerid, int timeout){
if (amountoftimers < timerid) amountoftimers = timerid;
SetGlobalInt (OWNTIMERBASE - timerid, timeout + 1);
function IsOwnTimerExpired (int timerid){
if (GetGlobalInt (OWNTIMERBASE - timerid) == 1)
SetGlobalInt (OWNTIMERBASE - timerid, 0);
return 1;
else return 0;
function CheckTimers (){
int timers = OWNTIMERBASE - 1;
while (timers >= OWNTIMERBASE - amountoftimers)
if (GetGlobalInt (timers) >= 2) SetGlobalInt (timers, GetGlobalInt (timers) - 1);
//On Hunter
// ============================= hunter ===========================================
// this section after cutscene functions
int hunter_char = NO_CHAR;
// two-dimeanional hunting
#define STEPS_UNTIL_DIR 10
int steps = STEPS_UNTIL_DIR;
int lastx = -1;
int lasty = -1;
// give player time to act
#define COUNTDOWN_OFF -1
int countdown = COUNTDOWN_OFF;
int hunter_area = -1;
function StartHunting (int hunter){
hunter_char = hunter;
lastx = -1;
lasty = -1;
countdown = COUNTDOWN_OFF;
// switch player disabled
// avo- SetGlobalInt (291, 1); // avo veraltet
function StartCountdown (){
// give player some time to think and react
// but player can't move
SetGlobalInt (2, 0);
hunter_area = GetWalkableAreaAt (character [GetPlayerCharacter ()].x - GetViewportX (), character [GetPlayerCharacter ()].y - GetViewportY ());
RemoveWalkableArea (hunter_area);
countdown = COUNTDOWN_START;
function StopHunting (){
hunter_char = NO_CHAR;
// player may move
if (hunter_area >= 0)
RestoreWalkableArea (hunter_area);
hunter_area = -1;
SetGlobalInt (2, 1);
// switch player enabled
// avo- SetGlobalInt (291, 0); // avo veraltet
function IsHunting (){
int result = hunter_char != NO_CHAR;
if (result)
// stop hunting when chars are in different rooms
if (character [hunter_char].room != character [GetPlayerCharacter ()].room)
StopHunting ();
result = hunter_char != NO_CHAR;
return result;
function HunterSucceeded (){
int hunter = hunter_char;
function TimeToActIsOver (){
int hunter = hunter_char;
function DoHunting (){
int caught = 0;
int charid = GetPlayerCharacter ();
int px = character [charid].x;
int py = character [charid].y;
// check distance
int dx = px - character [hunter_char].x;
int dy = py - character [hunter_char].y;
if ((dx * dx + dy * dy) <= 500)
caught = 1;
HunterSucceeded ();
else if (steps <= 0)
if ((px != lastx) || (py != lasty))
// correct HUNTER's direction
MoveCharacter (hunter_char, px, py);
lastx = px;
lasty = py;
else steps--;
return caught;
function RepExec_Hunting (){
int caught = 0;
if (IsHunting ())
if (countdown == COUNTDOWN_OFF) caught = DoHunting ();
else if (countdown == 0)
countdown = COUNTDOWN_OFF;
TimeToActIsOver ();
else if (countdown > 0) countdown--;
return caught;