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Nachrichten - Nexus

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There is an AGS .exe extractor. However it doesn't give you the global script on higher number versions of AGS. If someone made a global script extractor, I think for the editor.dat file, people should be able to make tra files with relative ease.

You say there is a .tra extractor? That may be all I need.

Update: I don't think I can deliver a tra file without being given the trs file. So new question. Should translations be allowed without the .tra file?

I can deliver a working .exe and .001 file, but as of now, I don't know how create a .tra file if the German one isn't there. Can you consider adding my 2 files to the original episode with a ReadMe?

I'm looking at things from the inside, so if I were to miss text it would be more likely because of the vast amount of information. And if I did miss something perhaps it could be corrected.

For the record, I want to say that I'm not looking to replace anything. Ideally my files would simply be included in the same download, as an English version, to promote multinationalism, but I will consider other options.

International Board / Re: Potential English For Episode 3
« am: 04. August 2015, 16:09:45 »
I have translated Episode 3 for my own personal use and while I feel its pretty close and captures the intent I wouldn't call it a 1:1 translation. I don't see the need for the .tra file to change files unless it helps with the verb button images, because it's really the sprites I haven't figured out.

International Board / Re: Potential English For Episode 3
« am: 03. August 2015, 21:08:50 »
Yes, I will take your point about going from new to old into consideration. Any work on Episode 3 submitted should be a good indicator of my ability to translate. In Episode 4 are the German phrases part of a puzzle? If they are a variation could be to leave the phrases in German. Do you know where I could submit an English version of Episode 3 for consideration?

International Board / Re: Potential English For Episode 3
« am: 03. August 2015, 20:22:53 »
Because I'm chronological and if we start from 1, Episode 3 is the first one without English.  The next one I'd be interested in is 4. When you say normally, does that mean there are exceptions? Technically, you could say its a new game since a couple of files would be changed, but I understand...

International Board / Potential English For Episode 3
« am: 03. August 2015, 08:10:28 »
I think I can pull off an English translation for Episode 3 without open source. But the question is do I need to track down the author to get permission? Or could I just go ahead and submit something directly to the site for consideration. People could be in for a real treat.

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